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Flora and Fauna of India

by Wild Lense 20 Jun 2023

Indian subcontinent is a store of all type of weathers, forests and different living condition. India is one of those places of the world where you can find almost all types of climate and wildlife conditions. The diversity in Indian weather is also very unique. India is home for some of the rarest plants and animals of world also. Indian flora and fauna hold a special place in the devotional aspects of the life of Indian population. This clearly shows the respect of the plants and animal in the Indian society. Indian government is also working very responsibly in order to conserve and protect the plants and wildlife in Indian subcontinent. We have special forest departments, where designated officials take care of forests and animals and also protect them from any adversaries.


India is the home for a vast range of climate, topology and environment, which has resulted in a boom in the number of species of plants and flowers in India. There are more than 18000 flowering plants and around 50,000 plant species in our country. One can easily find tropical areas, deserts, rainy areas and mountains in India. There also exists a national forest policy resolution for the maintenance and protection of forests in India. The forests have an area of 743,534 Km2 in the area as per the latest records. The floral species in India are well-protected and preserved. The forest areas in southern islands of Andaman, eastern Himalayas, western Himalayas, Indus plains and Deccan ranges have about 3000 species of plants that are endemic to a forest area. There exist some of the rarest medicinal plants of the world and Indian Ayurveda can be said to be dependent on the forest.

The Indian forests play an important role in the maintenance of the ecosystem in India and people also understand their role in protecting and preserving them. Movements like Bishnois movement are a great example of that. Indian forests are a great showcase of nature and one can have a look at some of the oldest plants on the earth here. These forests present a visual retreat to the eyes during monsoons and look no less than green heaven. We can say that the beauty of nature at that time is mesmerizing and one must visit India to enjoy forests not for greenery but for a serene vacation in the lap of nature.


India has good biodiversity and almost every kind of animal species can survive in India without any problem owing to Indian ecosystem.  In India you can find grassland, mountains, swamps, desert, highland and a large number of riverbanks.  These factors help our environment to attain such biodiversity that supports survival of different animals in our country. India also has a large coastline which makes a presence of lots of water animals in our country. Around 4.4 % of amphibians, 6.2 % of reptiles, 11.7 % of aquatic animals, 12.6 % of birds and 7.6% of mammals in the world reside in the Indian areas. India is also the home for some of the rarest species of animals in the world. We have good numbers of Bengal tigers. The Asiatic lions are also present in the Gir National Park of Gujarat. We have one horned rhinos along with leopard, spotted hyenas, jackals, gaurs, deer species, elephants and hippos. These are only some famous species of Indian fauna.

In India there are large numbers of animals which are both harmful and harmless and we have several places where we can take a close look at them such as zoos and wildlife sanctuaries. The Indian subcontinent becomes more beautiful with the presence of the peacock and snow leopard. During the rainy season, the beauty of Indian forests is at its peak due to plants and animals. Every animal including aquatic animals is an integral part of Indian biodiversity and they help in each other’s survival in some manner.

Rich Indian biodiversity

India is located at such a place on the globe where all the conditions for living are present. One can enjoy any type of climate such as hot, deserted, hill or rainy season here. This is the major reason for such huge variety of the wildlife population and plants. Both flora and fauna of Indian makes it one of the most beautiful places on the earth.

Exploration of rich Indian biodiversity through its discrete flora and fauna is indeed an interesting task.

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