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Amazon Rain Forest – The Most Amazing Region In The World!

by Wild Lense 21 Jun 2023

Amazon rainforest, also referred to as the Amazon Jungle or Amazonia, is a humid tropical rainforest throughout the Amazon biome. It covers many of the South America’s Amazon basins. The basin covers 7,000,000 kilometer squared (2,700,000 square meter), whereby the rainforest covers 5,500,000 kilometer square (2,100,000 sq mi).

This region involves nine-nation territory assets. Most of the forests falls inside Brazil, Peru and Colombia. Bolivia, Venezuela, French Guyana, Suriname, Ecuador, and Guyana each share the remaining portion in smaller percentages.

Four countries bear “Amazonas,” as the identity of one of the high-class governmental districts. The name “Guiana Amazonian Park” is used by France for its rainforest confined area. The Amazon is the leading and most bio-diverse region of humid rainforest throughout the globe. With about 390 Billion solo trees categorized into 16,000 varieties, it represents about half of the remaining rainforests on the planet. If you’re a tourist, the rain forest will give you a spa during your current tour, once you visit!


It is believed that the name ‘Amazon’ comes from the battle that Francisco de Orellana fought with the Tapuyas and other tribes. The tribe’s women battled with the men, since it was according to their custom. Orellana obtained the name Amazonas, mentioned by Herodotus and Diodorus, from the Greek mythology Amazons.

The Amazon basin is shared by nine nations — the majority of the rainforest is 58.4% within Brazil’s boundaries. The remaining eight countries are Peru-12.8%, Bolivia- 7.7%, Colombia- 7.1%, Venezuela- 6.1%, Suriname-2.5%, Guyana- 3.1%, Ecuador- 1%, and French Guyana with 1.4%.


Do you know that Rainforest came into existence in the Eocene period (from 56 million decades to 33.9 million decades)? You’re surprised! It emerged after a worldwide dip in tropical temperature and adequate expansion of the the Atlantic Ocean which resulted in a hot & humid environment in the Amazon basin.

For not less than 55 million decades, the rainforest has existed, and many of the regions stayed without any issue of savanna-type biomes as a minimum until the existing ice age when the ambiance was drier as well as savanna more prevalent. Following the Cretaceous–Paleogenic extermination case, dinosaur’s extermination and the wetter ambiance may have permitted the humid rainforest to widen throughout the mainland.

If you visit this place, you’ll remember a lot of things. The rainforest stretched as far south as 45 ° from 66 to 34 Mya. Over the past 34 million decades, climate instabilities have enabled savanna areas to grow into the humid. For instance, the rainforest covered a comparatively tight band all through the Oligocene. For the period of the Middle Miocene, it extended again, and then withdrew at the final glacial limit to a generally interior formation.

However, all through these unfriendly periods, the rainforest still strived to flourish, enabling for the evolution as well as survival of a wide variety of species.


In Mid-Eocene, it is thought that the Amazon drainage basin was divided via the Purus Arch across the center of the mainland. Water flowed in the direction of the Atlantic on the eastern hand, while water flowed throughout the Amazons Basin in the direction of the Pacific. However, as the mountains at Andes grew, a big basin that enclosed a lake was formed; now recognized as Solimões Basin. This accruing water broke past the Purus Arch as of the last 5 to 10 million decades, connecting with the easterly flow in the direction of the Atlantic.

From what you read above, there is proof that the previous glacial limit and following deglaciation have seen significant modifications within the vegetation of Amazon rainforest over the past 21,000 years.

Studies of residue deposits from the paleolakes of Amazon basin and Amazon Fan depicts that all through the LGM, rainfall within the basin was smaller than the current, and this was almost definitely in connection with decreased moist humid vegetation span within the basin. On the other hand, there’s a discussion concerning how far this decrease has been. Many researchers debate that the rainforest has been reduced to a tiny, remote refugia separated via open forest as well as grassland; other researchers claim that the same rainforest stayed greatly intact but expanded less north, south, and east than it is now seen.

Do not believe them! Make out time to pay this region a visit; you will see that the researchers are not correct. Even though it might be correct, you have to see for yourself, because seeing, they say, attracts believe.

Sahara Desert wind-blown dust to the Amazon

Over 56 percent of the dust, top-dressing the Amazon rainforest comes from the Bodélé depression within the Sahara desert in northern Chad. The dust includes phosphorus, which is essential for growing plants.

The most amazing part you’ll experience is the annual dust of the Sahara. It’ll replace the corresponding quantity of phosphorus gushed away from floods and rains every year in the Amazon soil. NASA’s CALIPSO outpost has evaluated the quantity of dust conveyed by wind to Amazon from Sahara: a typical 182 million oodles of dust are wind-blown from the Sahara every year, at 15o longitude of west; 1,600 miles (that is 2,600 kilometer) across the Atlantic Ocean (many of the dust enter the Atlantic), subsequently at 35o longitude of west on South America’s eastern coast. 27.7 mn tons of dust (that is 15% and 22 million oodles of it featuring phosphorous) fall across the basin of Amazon. 132 million oodles of dust linger within the air, 43 mn oodles of dusts are blown by the wind and drops on the Caribbean Sea, with about 75o past west longitude.


Come and feed your eyes today at the rainforest! You can come with your camera or a notebook to write down your most interesting areas for a next visit. CALIPSO measured changes within the quantity of dust transferred–an 86% fall from the largest quantity of dust conveyed as of 2007 to the lowest within 2011.

Sahel is the variation option. It is a band of semi-arid plot on the southern edge of the Sahara. The quantity of dust turns out to be smaller as soon as rain quantities become greater within the Sahel. The greater rainfall could cause the Sahel to develop more vegetation, leaving a smaller amount of sand open to be blown away by the winds. In addition, Amazon phosphorus emerges as smoke because of the burning of biomass within Africa.

Visiting this region of the world will leave a great memory if you take some snapshots during your tour.

You can show your loved ones, family and friends the pictures and plan for your next tour with them.

Indeed, it is our duty & responsibility to conserve these amazing jungles for generations to come.

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