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Exploring Pilibhit: Beyond Tigers, The Lesser-Known Fauna

by Nimisha Tewari 29 Feb 2024

Pilibhit Tiger Reserve in Uttar Pradesh, India, is not only home to the majestic Bengal tiger but also harbors a diverse array of lesser-known fauna that contributes to the rich biodiversity of the region. As you explore beyond the iconic tigers, you'll encounter a fascinating world of unique and lesser-known species:

1. Swamp Deer (Barasingha):

  • Pilibhit is one of the few places where the endangered Swamp Deer, also known as Barasingha, can be found. Known for their distinctive antlers, these deer are a crucial part of the reserve's ecosystem.

    2. Hog Deer:

    • Another deer species found in Pilibhit is the Hog Deer. These smaller deer are often found near water bodies and play a significant role in the prey-predator dynamics of the reserve.

      3. Leopard:

      • While tigers take the spotlight, Pilibhit is also home to leopards. These elusive cats are well-adapted to the forested terrain and add to the carnivore diversity of the region.

        4. Asian Elephant:

        • Pilibhit Tiger Reserve is home to a population of Asian elephants. These gentle giants play a crucial role in shaping the landscape and are essential to the overall health of the ecosystem.

          5. Sloth Bear:

          • The elusive sloth bear, with its shaggy coat and distinct white V-shaped mark on the chest, can be found in the dense forests of Pilibhit. These bears are primarily nocturnal and feed on a variety of vegetation.

          6. Indian Pangolin:

          • The Indian Pangolin, a scaly anteater, is one of the lesser-known but intriguing species in Pilibhit. These shy creatures are often solitary and are known for their unique appearance.

            7. Gharial:

            • Pilibhit is home to the Gharial, a critically endangered crocodilian species. These long-snouted reptiles are found in the rivers and contribute to the aquatic biodiversity of the region.

              8. Indian Python:

              • The Indian Python, a non-venomous snake species, can be found in the forests of Pilibhit. These large constrictors play a vital role in maintaining a balance in the ecosystem.

                9. Various Species of Vultures:

                • Pilibhit is known for its vulture population, including species like the Oriental White-backed Vulture, Long-billed Vulture and Indian Vulture. These scavengers play a crucial role in maintaining ecological health.

                  10. Lesser Fish Eagle: - The Lesser Fish Eagle is a bird of prey found near water bodies in Pilibhit. Their striking appearance and fishing habits make them a fascinating sight for birdwatchers.


                  Tips for Exploring Beyond Tigers in Pilibhit:

                  • Birdwatching: Pilibhit is a birdwatcher's paradise, with a diverse avian population. Carry binoculars and a field guide to identify various bird species.
                  • Guided Nature Walks: Engage in guided nature walks to explore the diverse flora and fauna, including smaller species that might be easily missed during a safari.
                  • Conservation Talks: Attend conservation talks organized by the reserve authorities to gain insights into the lesser-known species and ongoing conservation efforts.

                  Exploring beyond tigers in Pilibhit offers a holistic experience, allowing visitors to appreciate the intricate web of life that thrives in this biodiverse reserve. Whether it's the unique deer species, elusive predators or fascinating reptiles, each lesser-known inhabitant contributes to the ecological balance of Pilibhit Tiger Reserve.

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