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Biodiversity Beyond Tigers: The Rich Fauna Of Bandhavgarh

by Nimisha Tewari 20 Dec 2023

Bandhavgarh National Park, located in the Umaria district of Madhya Pradesh, is renowned for its high tiger population. However, the park is not just a tiger reserve; it's a treasure trove of biodiversity. Let's explore the rich fauna that adds to the ecological diversity of Bandhavgarh:


  1. Bengal Tigers:

    • Bandhavgarh is home to a substantial population of Bengal tigers. The dense forests and grasslands provide an ideal habitat for these majestic big cats. 
  2. Leopards:

    • Leopards, though elusive, inhabit the rocky terrain of Bandhavgarh. They are expert climbers and are often spotted in the higher reaches of the park. 
  3. Indian Bison (Gaur):

    • The Indian bison, or gaur, is the largest bovine species and can be found grazing in the meadows and grasslands of the park. 
  4. Indian Elephants:

    • Though not native residents, elephants do visit Bandhavgarh. Their presence adds to the diversity of mega herbivores. 
  5. Sambar Deer:

    • The largest deer species in India, sambar deer, are abundant in Bandhavgarh. They are a primary prey species for tigers and leopards. 
  6. Chital (Spotted Deer):

    • Graceful and easily recognizable, chital are commonly seen in large herds. Their spotted coat adds to the visual appeal of the park. 
  7. Wild Boars:

    • Wild boars are widespread and play a crucial role in the diet of predators like tigers and leopards.
  8. Striped Hyenas:

    • These scavengers are adapted to arid environments and can be spotted in the park. They play a vital role in the ecosystem by cleaning up carrion. 


  1. White-rumped Vulture:

    • Bandhavgarh is a vital habitat for several bird species, including the white-rumped vulture, which plays a crucial role in the ecosystem by scavenging. 
  2. Indian Roller:

    • The vibrant plumage of the Indian roller adds color to the park's landscape. These birds are often seen perched on tree branches.
  3. Changeable Hawk-Eagle:

    • A bird of prey, the changeable hawk-eagle, is a common sight soaring over the park in search of prey.
  4. Jungle Owlet:

    • Nocturnal birds like the jungle owlet contribute to the park's avian diversity.
  5. Crested Serpent Eagle:

    • This raptor is often seen perched in elevated positions, ready to swoop down on its prey. 


  1. Indian Rock Python:

    • This non-venomous snake is part of the reptilian diversity of Bandhavgarh. It's often found in and around rocky outcrops. 
  2. Monitor Lizard:

    • Large monitor lizards, skilled climbers, are often seen basking in the sun. They play a role in controlling insect populations. 
  3. Marsh Crocodile:

    • The water bodies in Bandhavgarh are home to marsh crocodiles, adding a touch of the prehistoric to the ecosystem. 
Bandhavgarh National Park is not just a tiger sanctuary; it's a haven for a multitude of species, each playing a unique role in the intricate web of life. Conservation efforts are essential to ensure the continued survival and thriving of this diverse fauna, making Bandhavgarh a true jewel of India's wildlife heritage
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