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Wildlife Wonders: A Spotlight On The Fauna Of Kishanpur Sanctuary

by Wildlense Eco Foundation 04 Dec 2023

Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in the Terai region of Uttar Pradesh, India, boasts a rich and diverse array of fauna. Let's delve into the details:

Bengal Tigers:

Kishanpur is renowned for its Bengal tiger population. Tigers, being at the top of the food chain, play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance. Conservation efforts in Kishanpur focus on protecting and preserving this iconic species.



Leopards, with their elusive nature, also find a home in Kishanpur. The sanctuary provides a suitable habitat for these graceful big cats. Conservation initiatives aim to mitigate human-leopard conflicts and ensure the safety of both wildlife and local communities.

Asian Elephants:

Kishanpur serves as part of the larger landscape for the migratory routes of Asian elephants. The sanctuary provides a vital corridor for these gentle giants. Conservation strategies address issues related to habitat loss and human-elephant conflict, ensuring the safety of the elephants and the communities around.


Avian Diversity:

Kishanpur is a paradise for birdwatchers. The sanctuary hosts a diverse range of avian species, including both resident and migratory birds. Birdwatching enthusiasts can spot species like eagles, vultures, owls, and a myriad of colorful songbirds. 


Spotted Deer and Sambars:

The sanctuary is home to a healthy population of spotted deer (chital) and sambars. These herbivores are not only fascinating to observe but also form a critical part of the prey base for carnivores, contributing to the overall ecosystem balance.


Jungle Cats and Fishing Cats:

The lesser-known feline residents include jungle cats and fishing cats. These smaller wildcats contribute to the biodiversity of the sanctuary. Conservation efforts focus on understanding and preserving these often overlooked species.

Reptiles – Snakes and Crocodiles:

Kishanpur's water bodies are inhabited by various reptiles, including snakes and crocodiles. These creatures are essential for maintaining a balanced ecosystem. Conservation strategies ensure the protection of these reptilian residents.


Small Mammals and Insects:

The sanctuary is home to a variety of small mammals, such as rodents and hares, which contribute to the intricate web of life. Insects, including butterflies and beetles, play a crucial role in pollination and ecosystem health.

Conservation Challenges and Successes:

Challenges faced by Kishanpur include habitat fragmentation, human-wildlife conflicts, and poaching. However, conservation efforts, community involvement, and strict protection measures have led to some notable successes in preserving the sanctuary's biodiversity.

Responsible Wildlife Tourism:

To ensure the sustained well-being of the sanctuary and its inhabitants, responsible wildlife tourism practices are promoted. Visitors are encouraged to follow ethical guidelines, such as maintaining a safe distance from animals, avoiding littering, and respecting the natural environment.

In summary, the fauna of Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary represents a diverse and interconnected ecosystem. Conservation initiatives and responsible tourism are essential for safeguarding this natural treasure for future generations.

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