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Wildlife of India

by Wild Lense 20 Jun 2023

India is home of diversities, not only talking in terms of believes, culture and traditions but also in wildlife diversity. It has a collection of climates and topological conditions which support a wide range of flora & fauna. India has different types of forests, grasslands, swamps, desert, rainforest and deciduous and mountainous forests. These different living areas are home to a number of animals. India has a different domestic species such as cow, buffalo, dog, hen, goat, and camels.

Indian wildlife is spans across 565 wildlife sanctuaries, 18 bio-reserves, and 120 national parks. It holds the crown with 4 out of 36 biosphere hotspots in the world and this is really something unique.  Some 4.4 percent of amphibians, 6.2% of reptiles, 11.7% of aquatic animals, 12.6% of birds, and 7.6% of mammals reside in the Indian areas. India also holds a long coastline which is the lifeline of a huge population of aquatic animals.

A great reason why wildlife is well-protected and conserved in India is because of the ethos of it’s people. They seek oneness in every form of life, including plants & wild animals. The Indian government is also working very hard to protect animals from poaching. Regulations are updated from time to time to provide legal framework for prosecuting habitual offenders. Nowadays India spends a huge amount in conserving its biosphere reserves and some rare species. India is one of the only places where you can get such a variety of natural things and it is the only place where you can see some specific variety of plants and animals. This flora and fauna of Indian make it one of the most beautiful places on the earth.


India with its wide range of geographical and topological conditions offers a vast variety for fauna to expand. No surprise that it offers abode to a large number of animal species. Biospheres in India is the place where you can watch these animals with safety rather than in the forest area. India has Bengal tiger, snow leopard, black buck, spotted hyenas, jackals,  Asiatic lions, sloth bear, black bear, one-horned rhinos, Indian bison, Indochinese tigers, elephants and antelopes which are generally fond of roaming in the Indian forests. Many carnivores, during Raj, faced severe problems of trophy hunting. Post that, illegal trade in animal body parts led tigers, Indian rhinos and musk deer to the brink of extinction. Many species, like the India Cheetah, could not survive this onslaught. But now the scenario has changed, there is more awareness and willingness in the society which has brought many endangered species are out of danger.

Although, endangered species like high grounded deer and Himalayan wolf, which are unique to India, require more focus from conservationists.


Forests occupy over 743,534 square kilometers of land in India. It includes tropical rainforest, desert shrubs, deciduous forest, bamboos, mangroves, and grasslands. They are overflowing with more than 18000 flowering plants & over 50,000 plant species.

Indian forests are home to some of the rarest medicinal plants. The most ancient school of medicine in the world- Ayurveda has used them extensively since time immemorial. During rainy season or monsoons forests in India are a sight to behold. It’s when their mesmerizing emerald cover of vegetation teaming with wildlife is at it’s peak. Plants & trees like Tulsi, Peepal, Neem & Banyan are sacred to many communities in India. The Bishnoi community in India has taken protection of trees to another level. Trees are like a family member and are protected like one. You can read about ‘Chipko Andolan’ to know more about this. Trees are an important part of Indian culture so it’s not uncommon to find temples right below them.

Famous Indian species

India is home to many native species that are famous around the globe. Bengal tigers, one-horned rhinos, gaur, high grounded deer, Asiatic lions, snow leopard, black buck, Indian wolfs & nilgai are some of them. This range of fauna highlights the versatility of Indian wildlife. If you ever wish to explore India, we’d recommend you to include wildlife safari in your itinerary as a must-do.

Display of Indian wildlife

In India wildlife is spread throughout it’s landmass. The best place to experience it are biosphere reserves, national parks, sanctuaries, and Zoos. According to recent stats, India has 105 national parks, 565 wildlife sanctuaries and 18 biosphere reserves. There are many other private forested areas under the observation of private companies, villages and NGOs.

These places are maintained with full responsibility, every constituent participant of is honored and their every need is fulfilled. These areas are under the supervision of the Indian Government. The policymakers in the government have provided budget allocation to protect bio-sensitive zones. Especially so for biosphere reserves. The selection of forest officials requires them to clear a written exam followed by a period of training on the ground. They are then trained on the job as per the needs of protection & conservation requirements . Also, the Indian education system has designated course for the people who want to work for the protection of the wildlife in India.

In a nutshell, it can be said that India boasts of the abundant wildlife in terms of both flora and fauna. But in addition, we also feel responsible to protect our wildlife and to prevent the endangered species from extinction.

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