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Tigers And Beyond: The Rich Fauna Of Sanjay Dubri

by Nimisha Tewari 15 Dec 2023

Sanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve, located in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, is a treasure trove of biodiversity beyond its majestic tigers. The reserve encompasses a diverse range of ecosystems, providing a habitat for a rich variety of flora and fauna. Here's an exploration of the fascinating wildlife that calls Sanjay Dubri home:

  1. Royal Bengal Tigers:

    • The reserve is home to the magnificent Royal Bengal Tigers, the apex predators of the region. With dense forests and suitable prey, Sanjay Dubri provides an ideal environment for these majestic big cats. 
  2. Leopards:

    • Besides tigers, leopards inhabit the forests of Sanjay Dubri. These elusive and solitary cats thrive in the varied landscapes, displaying their adaptability to different environments. 
  3. Indian Gaur (Indian Bison):

    • The Indian Gaur, the largest extant bovine, roams the forests and grasslands of the reserve. These herbivores play a crucial role in shaping the vegetation and supporting the carnivore population. 
  4. Wild Dogs (Dholes):

    • Packs of wild dogs, also known as dholes, are a unique and social carnivore species found in Sanjay Dubri. Their presence adds to the dynamic predator-prey interactions in the ecosystem.
  5. Spotted Deer (Chital) and Sambar Deer:

    • The spotted deer, or chital, and the larger sambar deer are abundant in the reserve. These herbivores form a significant part of the tiger and leopard diet and contribute to the overall biodiversity. 
  6. Indian Sloth Bear:

    • The Indian sloth bear, with its shaggy coat and distinctive markings, is another charismatic species found in Sanjay Dubri. Their foraging habits contribute to the ecological balance of the region. 
  7. Indian Wild Boar:

    • The Indian wild boar, a robust and adaptable species, is widespread in the reserve. Its presence supports the carnivore population and influences vegetation through its feeding habits.
  8. Striped Hyenas:

    • The elusive striped hyenas inhabit the forests, contributing to the diversity of carnivores. These nocturnal scavengers play a vital role in the ecosystem's cleanup processes. 
  9. Indian Giant Squirrel:

    • The Indian giant squirrel, with its striking appearance and agility, is a delightful presence in the treetops. Its presence indicates the health of the forest ecosystem.
  10. Rich Avian Diversity:

    • Sanjay Dubri is a haven for bird enthusiasts. The diverse habitats, including forests, wetlands, and grasslands, attract a wide array of bird species, from raptors like eagles to colorful songbirds. 
  11. Reptiles and Amphibians:

    • The reserve is also home to various reptiles and amphibians, including snakes, lizards and frogs, contributing to the overall biodiversity. 
  12. Invertebrates:

    • The diverse ecosystems support a myriad of invertebrates, including butterflies, beetles and other insects, playing essential roles in pollination and nutrient cycling. 

Sanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve, with its rich tapestry of wildlife, underscores the importance of holistic conservation. Protecting the diverse fauna ensures the resilience and vitality of this unique ecosystem for generations to com

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