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The Wonders Of Indian Wildlife: A Journey Through Top National Parks

by Nimisha Tewari 04 Sep 2023

India is a wildlife enthusiast's paradise. It is blessed with an astonishing array of wildlife, owing to its diverse ecosystems ranging from dense jungles and lush wetlands to rugged mountains and vast deserts. Some of the wonders of Indian wildlife are:

1. Bengal Tiger: The Bengal tiger is India's national animal and the world's most iconic big cat. India is home to over half of the world's wild tiger population, with sightings possible in several national parks.

2. Indian Elephant: The Indian elephant is revered in Indian culture and is a symbol of wisdom and strength. You can spot these magnificent creatures in national parks and sanctuaries.

3. Indian Rhinoceros: The Indian one-horned rhinoceros is a critically endangered species found primarily in Assam's Kaziranga National Park and West Bengal's Jaldapara National Park.

4. Asiatic Lion: The last remaining population of Asiatic lions resides in Gir Forest National Park in Gujarat. These majestic creatures are a symbol of pride and conservation success.

5. Snow Leopard: The elusive snow leopard, adapted to high-altitude regions, is found in the Himalayan states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh.

6. Indian Leopard: Indian leopards are agile and adaptable predators found in a wide range of habitats, from dense forests to urban areas.

7. Gharial: The gharial is a unique crocodilian species found in India's rivers, especially in the Chambal River. It's known for its long, thin snout.

8. Indian Peafowl: The Indian peafowl or peacock, is the national bird of India. These striking birds are known for their vibrant plumage.

9. Nilgiri Tahr: Nilgiri tahrs are endemic to the Western Ghats of India and are known for their impressive curved horns. They can be spotted in protected areas like Eravikulam National Park.

10. Indian Bison (Gaur): - The Indian bison or gaur, is the largest bovine species and can be found in forests and grasslands across India.

11. Sloth Bear: - Sloth bears are known for their shaggy coats and unique appearance. They can be spotted in various national parks.

12. Hornbills: - India is home to several species of hornbills, including the Great Indian Hornbill. These striking birds are known for their distinctive bills and vibrant plumage.

13. Indian Peacock Butterfly: - This species of butterfly found in the Western Ghats is known for its mesmerizing beauty, resembling the colors of a peacock.

14. King Cobra: - The king cobra is the world's longest venomous snake and is found in India's forests, particularly in the Western Ghats.

15. Indian Pangolin: - The Indian pangolin is a unique and rarely seen creature known for its protective scales. It is found in various parts of India.

These are just a few examples of the wonders of Indian wildlife which are found in national parks all over India. Here's a journey through some of the top national parks and wildlife reserves in India:

1. Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan: Famous for its Bengal tiger population, Ranthambore offers excellent tiger sightings. The park also features historic ruins and ancient temples.

2. Jim Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand: India's oldest national park is known for its lush landscapes and the chance to spot the Bengal tiger and Asian elephant. It's a great place for birdwatching too.

3. Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh: Kanha is often called the 'Jungle Book' forest, as it inspired Rudyard Kipling's famous book. It's a prime location for tiger sightings and home to the rare barasingha deer.

4. Kaziranga National Park, Assam: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a stronghold for the Indian one-horned rhinoceros. It's also a birdwatcher's paradise.

5. Dudhwa National Park, Uttar Pradesh: It is meant for tremendous counts of Swamp deer and tiger species. It offers abode to a large variety and number of migratory birds.

6. Bandipur National Park, Karnataka: Bandipur is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, offering opportunities to spot tigers, leopards, elephants, and diverse bird species.

7. Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala: Known for its picturesque landscapes, Periyar is home to elephants, tigers, and the rare Nilgiri langur. You can enjoy boat safaris on Periyar Lake.

8. Gir Forest National Park, Gujarat: Gir is the last bastion of the Asiatic lion. It's the only place in India where you can see these majestic big cats in the wild.

9. Pench National Park, Madhya Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh:  Pench is famous for its healthy tiger population. Along with tigers, leopards are another spotted big cat found in Pench. It is a birdwatcher's delight with over 200 bird species, including peafowls, hornbills, eagles and vultures.

10. Panna Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh: It boasts of an outstanding variety of wildlife creatures especially royal tigers, whose count has increased to 70 as of 2021. One can also see India’s largest deer, king vultures, paradise flycatchers and reptiles like snakes & pythons.

11. Pilibhit Tiger Reserve, Uttar Pradesh: This breathtaking destination is home to some of the world’s most endangered species, including the Bengal tigers, leopards, and Soft-coated otters.

This journey through India's top national parks and wildlife reserves showcases the country's incredible biodiversity and offers diverse opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers to connect with the natural world. Each park has its own unique charm and a story to tell, making India a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

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