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The Flora Of Tadoba: Unveiling The Forest's Green Riches

by Nimisha Tewari 17 Jan 2024

Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, located in the Indian state of Maharashtra, is renowned for its rich biodiversity, including a diverse array of flora. Let's unveil the forest's green riches by exploring the flora of Tadoba:

  1. Teak (Tectona grandis):

    • Teak is a dominant tree species in Tadoba, forming dense forests. Known for its valuable timber, teak provides shade and contributes to the overall biodiversity of the reserve. 
  2. Salai (Boswellia serrata):

    • Salai, also known as Indian frankincense, is a deciduous tree found in Tadoba. The resin from the tree has traditional medicinal uses, and the tree itself plays a role in supporting the local ecosystem. 
  3. Ain (Terminalia alata):

    • Ain, a deciduous tree, is commonly found in Tadoba. Its leaves are used in traditional medicine and the tree contributes to the overall floral diversity of the reserve. 
  4. Mahua (Madhuca longifolia):

    • Mahua is a significant tree in Tadoba, known for its sweet-scented flowers. The flowers are used to produce mahua oil and various parts of the tree have cultural and medicinal importance. 
  5. Bamboo (Bambusoideae):

    • Bamboo thickets are present in Tadoba, providing essential habitat and food for various species. Bamboo also plays a crucial role in preventing soil erosion. 
  6. Jamun (Syzygium cumini):

    • Jamun, or Indian blackberry, is a deciduous tree found in Tadoba. Its fruit is not only consumed by wildlife but also has significance in traditional medicine. 
  7. Tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon):

    • Tendu, or ebony, is a deciduous tree with hard, dark wood. This tree contributes to the forest's economic value. 
  8. Kusum (Schleichera oleosa):

    • Kusum is a tree that produces small, greenish-yellow flowers. The seeds yield an oil used in traditional medicine and soap-making. 
  9. Dhawada (Anogeissus latifolia):

    • Dhawada is a deciduous tree found in Tadoba. It contributes to the overall biodiversity and provides habitat for various species within the reserve. 
  10. Lendia (Lagerstroemia microcarpa):

    • Lendia, also known as nana or kumhar, is a tree with small, white flowers. The bark is used for tanning and has some traditional medicinal applications. 
  11. Indian Butter Tree (Diploknema butyracea):

    • The Indian Butter Tree, also known as chirongi, is valued for its seeds, which are used in the production of chironji oil and traditional sweets. 
  12. Indian Ghost Tree (Sterculia urens):

    • The Indian Ghost Tree is known for its distinctive appearance and is a deciduous tree found in Tadoba. The tree has cultural significance and is often associated with local folklore. 

The flora of Tadoba contributes not only to the scenic beauty of the reserve but also plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance. These diverse plant species provide habitat, food and medicinal resources for the varied wildlife that inhabits the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve.

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