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The Flora And Fauna Of Corbett National Park

by Nimisha Tewari 22 Dec 2023

Corbett National Park, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas in Uttarakhand, India, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers. The park's diverse ecosystems support a rich variety of flora and fauna, creating a vibrant tapestry of life. Let's delve into the captivating world of Corbett's flora and fauna.


1. Sal Forests:

  • Dominant Species: Sal (Shorea robusta) forests cover a significant portion of Corbett. The towering sal trees create a dense canopy, providing shade and shelter to numerous species. 

    2. Mixed Deciduous Forests:

    • Variety of Trees: Apart from sal, Corbett is home to mixed deciduous forests featuring species like khair, sissoo and haldu. This diversity contributes to the park's overall ecological health.

    3. Riverine Vegetation:

    • Along the Watercourses: The Ramganga River and its tributaries crisscross the park, supporting riverine vegetation. This includes grasslands and shrubs along the riverbanks.

    4. Grasslands:

    • Open Spaces: Corbett boasts vast grasslands, which serve as vital feeding grounds for herbivores. These open spaces are also crucial for the park's big cats to hunt. 

      5. Bamboo Groves:

      • Bamboo Diversity: Bamboo groves add to the diverse vegetation. This versatile plant is a source of food and shelter for various animals.


      1. Bengal Tigers:

      • Iconic Residents: Corbett is renowned for its healthy population of Bengal tigers. The park's varied terrain provides suitable habitats for these magnificent predators.

        2. Asian Elephants:

        • Gentle Giants: The park is home to a significant number of Asian elephants. They navigate the diverse landscapes, from dense forests to riverine areas.

          3. Leopards:

          • Stealthy Predators: Leopards find ample cover in the forests of Corbett. Their elusive nature makes spotting them a thrilling experience.

            4. Sloth Bears:

            • Unique Sightings: The park supports a population of sloth bears. These shaggy-coated bears are often seen foraging for insects in the forested areas.

            5. Diverse Herbivores:

            • From Deer to Wild Boars: Corbett is home to a variety of herbivores, including spotted deer, sambar deer, barking deer and wild boars. 

              6. Avian Diversity:

              • Birdwatcher's Paradise: With over 600 bird species, Corbett is a haven for birdwatchers. From eagles and vultures to kingfishers and migratory species, the avian life is diverse and captivating.

                7. Reptiles and Amphibians:

                • Rich Diversity: The park is also home to a variety of reptiles, including crocodiles in the rivers and various snake species. Amphibians like frogs contribute to the park's biodiversity.

                Conservation Efforts:

                Corbett National Park has been at the forefront of wildlife conservation in India. Conservation initiatives aim to protect the park's biodiversity, including the iconic Bengal tiger. Community involvement and sustainable tourism practices are integral to ensuring the continued health of this ecological treasure.

                In summary, Corbett National Park is not just a wildlife sanctuary; it's a living, breathing ecosystem where flora and fauna coexist in a delicate balance. As you explore its trails and riverbanks, you become a part of the intricate web of life that makes Corbett a true gem among India's national parks.

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