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Responsible Wildlife Tourism In Corbett: Leave No Trace, Take Only Memories

by Nimisha Tewari 12 Oct 2023


Corbett National Park, one of India's most treasured wildlife destinations, beckons travelers with its breathtaking landscapes and diverse fauna. However, with great beauty comes great responsibility. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of responsible wildlife tourism in Corbett National Park and how every visitor can play a role in preserving this natural wonder for future generations.

The Corbett Experience: A Wilderness Unlike Any Other

Corbett's charm lies in its pristine forests, meandering rivers and the opportunity to witness some of India's most majestic creatures, including the Bengal tiger. Whether you're an avid wildlife photographer, a nature enthusiast or a family looking for adventure, Corbett offers an immersive experience. 


The Significance of Responsible Tourism

Responsible tourism is about enjoying the park's offerings while minimizing your impact on the environment. It's a commitment to leaving the park as you found it, ensuring that it remains a sanctuary for wildlife.


The Dos and Don'ts of Responsible Tourism

  • Stay on Designated Trails: Venturing off marked trails can disturb wildlife and their habitats. Stick to designated paths to minimize your impact.

  • Respect Wildlife Space: Keep a safe distance from animals, never corner them and avoid making loud noises that can distress them.

  • No Feeding Wildlife: Feeding wild animals can alter their natural behavior and diet. It's best to observe from a distance.

  • Dispose of Waste Properly: Carry out all your trash, including plastic waste, to prevent pollution in this pristine environment.

  • Minimize Noise and Light: Loud noises and bright lights can disrupt animals' routines. Keep noise levels to a minimum, especially during early morning and evening safaris.

  • Support Sustainable Practices: Choose accommodations and tour operators that follow eco-friendly and ethical practices.

Corbett's Conservation Initiatives

Corbett National Park is not just a tourist attraction; it's also a hub for conservation efforts. Learn about the park's initiatives to protect tigers, elephants and other species, and how your visit contributes to these efforts.

Respect for Local Communities

The park is home to indigenous communities. Respect their traditions and engage with them in a culturally sensitive manner.

Safaris and Photography

Corbett's safaris provide unparalleled opportunities for wildlife photography. Discover how to capture the perfect shot without disturbing the animals.



In conclusion, responsible wildlife tourism in Corbett National Park is not just a choice; it's a responsibility. By leaving no trace and taking only memories, you ensure that Corbett's wild beauty remains intact for generations to come. Your visit can be a positive force for conservation, sustaining this incredible natural heritage.

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