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Photographer's Paradise: Capturing Uttar Pradesh's Wildlife In Frame

by Nimisha Tewari 06 Sep 2023

Uttar Pradesh, with its diverse landscapes and rich biodiversity, offers a paradise for wildlife photographers. From the majestic tigers to vibrant birdlife, here are some of the wildlife photography opportunities in the state:

1. Dudhwa National Park:

  • Dudhwa is known for its dense forests and abundant wildlife. It's a great place to capture images of tigers, leopards, elephants, rhinoceroses and various deer species.
  • The park's diverse birdlife, including rare species like the Bengal florican, offers excellent bird photography opportunities.

2. Pilibhit Tiger Reserve:

  • Pilibhit is famous for its tiger population and is a fantastic place to photograph these magnificent big cats.
  • The reserve's lush landscapes and water bodies provide picturesque settings for wildlife photography. 

3. Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Chambal is renowned for its pristine and tranquil environment. It's an ideal location for capturing images of gharials and mugger crocodiles basking in the sun along the Chambal River.
  • The sanctuary is also home to a variety of bird species and unique wildlife like the Gangetic dolphin.

4. Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Katarniaghat is a lesser-known gem for wildlife photography. It's home to various mammals, including tigers and leopards.
  • The sanctuary's picturesque landscapes, with rivers and wetlands, offer opportunities to photograph both wildlife and scenic beauty. 

5. Birdwatching Sanctuaries:

  • Uttar Pradesh has several bird sanctuaries, such as Sur Sarovar Bird Sanctuary near Agra and Patna Bird Sanctuary in Etah district, which are perfect for bird photography.
  • You can capture images of both resident and migratory bird species in these sanctuaries.

6. Elephant Photography:

  • Some wildlife sanctuaries in Uttar Pradesh offer opportunities to photograph elephants in their natural habitat.
  • Capturing these gentle giants in the wilderness can result in stunning images.

7. Temple Towns and Wildlife:

  • Combine cultural and wildlife photography by visiting temple towns like Varanasi and Vrindavan, where you can photograph sacred sites alongside wildlife like Ganges river dolphins and various bird species.

8. Landscape Photography:

  • Uttar Pradesh's diverse landscapes, from the foothills of the Himalayas to the Gangetic plains, provide ample opportunities for landscape photography.
  • Sunrise and sunset shots over the Ganges River or the lush forests of Dudhwa can create mesmerizing images.

9. Responsible Photography:

  • When photographing wildlife, always prioritize the well-being and safety of the animals. Maintain a safe distance and do not disturb their natural behaviors.
  • Follow ethical practices and the guidelines set by wildlife authorities and sanctuaries.

Whether you're an amateur photographer or a seasoned professional, Uttar Pradesh's wildlife and natural beauty offer a wealth of opportunities to capture the wonders of the natural world. Be patient, stay respectful of the environment and its inhabitants, and let your lens tell the story of this incredible state.

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