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Corbett National Park: Sustainable Practices For Responsible Tourism

by Nimisha Tewari 29 Jan 2024

Corbett National Park, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, is not only a haven for wildlife enthusiasts but also a bastion of sustainable and responsible tourism practices. Balancing the influx of visitors with the conservation of its diverse ecosystems, Corbett exemplifies how tourism can coexist harmoniously with nature. Here's a guide to the sustainable practices implemented in Corbett for responsible tourism.

1. Eco-Friendly Accommodations:

  • Many resorts and lodges in and around Corbett have adopted eco-friendly practices. From energy-efficient lighting to waste reduction initiatives, these accommodations strive to minimize their environmental footprint.

    2. Waste Management:

    • Proper waste management is a priority in Corbett. Accommodations and authorities within the park implement waste segregation, recycling programs and initiatives to reduce single-use plastic, ensuring that the park remains pristine.

    3. Controlled Tourism Numbers:

    • To prevent overcrowding and minimize the impact on wildlife, Corbett National Park regulates the number of vehicles entering the park for safaris. This controlled approach ensures a more serene and undisturbed environment for both animals and visitors.

    4. Interpretation Centers and Nature Walks:

    • Interpretation centers within the park provide valuable information about the flora and fauna, creating awareness among visitors. Guided nature walks conducted by naturalists offer an educational experience, fostering a deeper understanding of the park's ecosystems.

      5. Community Engagement and Employment:

      • Corbett actively engages with local communities, involving them in sustainable tourism initiatives. Local residents are often employed as guides, naturalists and staff in accommodations, creating a sense of ownership and support for conservation efforts.

      6. Wildlife Conservation Programs:

      • The park implements various wildlife conservation programs. These initiatives focus on protecting endangered species, monitoring wildlife populations and habitat restoration to ensure the long-term sustainability of the park's ecosystems.

      7. Responsible Safari Practices:

      • Safari guides and drivers follow responsible practices during wildlife safaris. Maintaining a safe distance from animals, adhering to designated safari routes and minimizing noise pollution contribute to a less intrusive safari experience.

        8. Environmental Education Programs:

        • Educational programs for schools and visitors are conducted to raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and the need for responsible tourism. These initiatives instill a sense of responsibility for preserving Corbett's natural heritage.

        9. Alternative Livelihoods for Locals:

        • To reduce dependency on natural resources, Corbett promotes alternative livelihoods for local communities. Sustainable agriculture, handicrafts and eco-tourism ventures provide additional sources of income, reducing the pressure on the park's resources.

        10. Research and Monitoring: - Ongoing research and monitoring projects contribute to a better understanding of Corbett's biodiversity. Scientific studies inform conservation strategies and help adapt management practices to the changing needs of the park.


        Corbett National Park serves as a model for sustainable and responsible tourism practices in wildlife sanctuaries. By integrating environmental conservation, community engagement and visitor education, Corbett strives to create a holistic and balanced approach to tourism. As travelers explore the beauty of Corbett, they become not just spectators but active contributors to the preservation of this natural treasure, ensuring that the park remains a thriving ecosystem for generations to come.

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