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Birdwatching In Corbett National Park

by Nimisha Tewari 13 Dec 2023

Corbett National Park is not only renowned for its majestic tigers and diverse wildlife but also for being a haven for birdwatchers. The park's varied ecosystems, including riverine belts, grasslands and dense forests, provide an ideal habitat for a rich avian population. Here's a guide to the birdwatching experience in Corbett:

  1. Diverse Habitats:

    • Corbett's landscape includes riverine areas formed by the Ramganga River, Sal forests, grasslands and hilly terrains. Each habitat harbors different bird species.  
  2. Iconic Bird Species:

    • Great Hornbill: This large, colorful bird is often spotted in the Sal forests. Its distinctive appearance and loud calls make it a favorite among birdwatchers.
    • Crested Serpent Eagle: Found in open woodlands, this bird of prey is known for its striking appearance and often seen perched on tree branches. 
  3. Riverside Birding:

    • The Ramganga River and its tributaries attract a variety of water birds.
    • Ibis, Storks, and Herons: Spot these wading birds along the riverbanks, patiently waiting for their prey.  
  4. Grassland Species:

    • Corbett's grasslands are home to many ground-nesting birds.
    • Pallas's Fish Eagle: Often seen near water bodies, this eagle is known for its distinctive appearance and powerful build. 
  5. Woodland and Forest Species:

    • The Sal and mixed deciduous forests are rich in birdlife.
    • Barbets and Woodpeckers: Look for these colorful birds drumming on tree trunks or foraging for insects in the bark.
    • Owls: Keep an eye out for nocturnal birds like Spotted Owlet and Brown Fish Owl. 
  6. River Safari for Aquatic Birds:

    • A river safari on the Ramganga River offers a unique opportunity to spot waterfowl and aquatic species.
    • Kingfishers: Common Kingfisher and Pied Kingfisher are often seen darting into the water to catch fish. 
  7. Best Seasons for Birdwatching:

    • Winter (October to February) is the best time for birdwatching when migratory birds visit the park.
    • March to June is breeding season, offering chances to observe courtship displays.
  8. Popular Birding Zones:

    • Dhikala Zone: Known for its grasslands and riverine habitats, it's great for spotting various species.
    • Jhirna Zone: Offers a mix of dense forests and open grasslands, attracting a diverse range of birds.
  9. Guided Safaris:

    • Engage with experienced naturalists and guides who are well-versed in the park's birdlife.
  10. Essential Birding Gear:

    • Binoculars, field guidebooks and a good camera for capturing those avian moments.

Corbett National Park, with its incredible diversity of landscapes, ensures that birdwatchers have a fulfilling experience, spotting both resident and migratory species against the backdrop of stunning natural settings.

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