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Adventurous Activities In Corbett National Park

by Nimisha Tewari 04 Nov 2023

Corbett National Park is not only a place for wildlife enthusiasts but also offers a range of adventurous activities. Here are some adventurous activities you can enjoy in Corbett National Park:

  1. Jeep Safari: Explore the diverse landscapes and wildlife of Corbett on a thrilling jeep safari. Trained naturalists and guides accompany you, making it an exciting adventure. 

  2. Canter Safari: Canter safaris are larger, open vehicles that can accommodate more people. These are perfect for a group adventure to explore the wilderness.

  3. Nature Walks: Take guided nature walks in the buffer zones or nearby areas to understand the flora and fauna up close. These walks are educational and offer excellent bird-watching opportunities. 

  4. River Rafting: The Kosi River near Corbett offers opportunities for river rafting. The thrill of navigating through the river's rapids amidst the scenic beauty is a memorable adventure.

  5. Angling and Fishing: Corbett's rivers and streams are known for the Mahseer fish. Anglers can enjoy this sport while surrounded by the beauty of the park. 

  6. Bird Watching: Corbett is a paradise for birdwatchers. There are designated birdwatching areas within the park to observe various avian species.

  7. Wildlife Photography: Capture the stunning wildlife and landscapes of Corbett through your lens. The park provides ample opportunities for wildlife photography. 

  8. Camping: Several campsites around Corbett offer camping experiences. Enjoy the thrill of staying in the wilderness under the starry sky.

  9. Trekking: There are various trekking routes around Corbett. Trained guides can lead you on treks through the park's buffer zones.

  10. Village Tours: Explore the local culture and traditions by taking village tours. Learn about the lifestyle of the communities living on the fringes of the park.

  11. Visit Garjia Temple: Located near Corbett, this temple can be reached by climbing a flight of steps. The panoramic views of the park from the temple are awe-inspiring.

  12. Staying in Tree Houses: Some resorts in and around Corbett offer the unique experience of staying in treehouses. It's a fantastic way to be closer to nature.

  13. Bridge Slithering: Some adventure camps around Corbett offer bridge slithering activities for adrenaline junkies.

Remember to follow the park's rules and guidelines, and prioritize your safety and the well-being of the wildlife during these adventures. Enjoy your time in Corbett National Park!

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